Zing-less (10ml Roller Bottle)


Suffering from tinnitus? Use our Zing-less blend in a convenient roller bottle to help remove the zing in your ears and for relief from related pain.

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Zing-less is a special massage blend for those suffering from Tinnitus.  It might relieve the constant zing in the ears since it addresses the inflammation in the ears and brain areasApply it directly to back of your ears and around the front of your ear.  Moreover, apply to the base of the neck along the spine. Zing-less is mixed into a carrier oil so it is easy to use directly from the roller bottle.

Not sure what Tinnitus is? It is the perception of sound that does not have an external source. Other people cannot hear it. It is a ringing, roaring or singing in the ear. It usually does not include pain in the ears.  The cause might be exposure to noise, hearing loss, medications, ear wax or ear infection or might even be due to head or neck injuries. According to the NIHOne leading theory is that tinnitus can occur when damage to the inner ear changes the signal carried by nerves to the parts of your brain that process sound. A way to think about this is that while tinnitus may seem to occur in your ear, the phantom sounds are instead generated by your brain, in an area called the auditory cortex.”

For this reason we looked at blending essential oils that stimulates the nerves in the brain. We have had great success with Zing-less. Go ahead and give it a try today.

Ingredients: Lavender, African Immortelle, Frankincense, Cypress and Basil in Fractionated Coconut oil.

Experiencing Migraines and not so much of tinnitus?  Try our Relief blend

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