

OilGrow’s pure natural Bergamot essential oil might be useful for reducing stress and fighting food poisoning. Use it to help with pain relief.

Read more below:

About Bergamot

Bergamot (Citrus bergamia) – is sourced from Italy.  It has a delicate and refreshing citrus fragrance – something between orange and lemon with floral tones. Mostly produced for the perfume industry.  Bergamot essential oil is a warm oil and also a top note. The oil has a citrus taste and is quite fragrant when used in culinary recipes.  You can take it internally, if done responsibly. See our responsible usage guide here.

Main Chemical Compounds

The main chemical compound found in our Bergamot is limonene (up to 38%) and then also linalyl acetate ( up to 30%).  In smaller quantities, also linalool, γ-terpinene, and β-pinene. Limonene is a strong antioxidant – in the body it absorbs and removes damaging free radicals before they can injure cells. Linalyl acetate is a byproduct of limonene and some clinical trials have demonstrated its ability to alleviate anxiety disorders and treat inflammatory conditions. Linalool help promote relaxation and enhance sleep quality. While γ-terpinene are known for its anti-fungal and antioxidant qualities – these have been linked to slowing the progression of diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease. β-pinene is responsible for an increased mental alertness, clarity, and general cognitive functions.

Benefits of Bergamot

Bergamot (Citrus bergamia) is peel expressed, and commonly used in aromatherapy to elevate mood and alleviate stress. It has properties similar to grapefruit essential oil in that it is anti-septic, anti-spasmodic, and analgesic (pain-relieving).  It is also a strong anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory oil.

Firstly, Bergamot is known to be a great oil for anxiety, depression and nervous tension.  It seems to calm anger and frustration, most probably due to its calming effect on the sympathetic nervous system. Linalyl acetate is the compound responsible for alleviating anxiety disorders. It also treats inflammatory conditions and will have a positive effect on a stressed mind.

Bergamot essential oil is also a valuable antiseptic for the urinary and digestive tracts. It is known to alleviate conditions such as painful digestion, flatulence, colic, indigestion and loss of apetite. Use as an intestinal antiseptic.  It will cast out intestinal parasites and may also diminish gall stones.

Furthermore, it is helpful in fighting infections of the respiratory system.  There is hope for relieving bronchitis, tuberculosis and even tonsillitis. It is often known to be effective against cold sores, chicken pox and even shingles. The wonderful anti-septic action of this essential oil means that it may benefit oily skin conditions.  Skin conditions relating to stress such as eczema, psoriasis, acne, scabies, varicose ulcers, wounds, herpes and seborhoea of the skin and scalp may also be alleviated by using Bergamot essential oil combined with essential oils such as Eucalyptus.

An interesting fact about Bergamot is that this is the ingredient that imparts that unusual flavour to Earl Grey tea! It is also one of the most common ingredients in perfumes (Eau de Cologne).

How do I use Bergamot

You can use it in culinary recipes. Always refer to our responsible usage guide to see how to use essential oils responsibly internally. Can use it in citrus marinades, with chicken dishes and in baked goods.  When using medicinally in a blend for topical use, always dilute properly in a carrier oil.  And when using it in capsules for internal usage – always dilute properly in Fractionated Coconut Oil inside each capsule.

Bergamot blends well with other oils and is often that one missing oil in a blend that will take it to the next level. Use in creams, lotions or in your own diy roomspray.

Blends well with

Don’t know how to make a blend? Keep an eye out on our Facebook page to see when the next Masterclass will be presented.  However, here is a list of single pure natural oils that blends well with Bergamot:

  • Roman Chamomile
  • Coriander
  • Cypress essential oil
  • Eucalyptus
  • Rose Geranium
  • Lavender
  • Lemon essential oil
  • Marjoram
  • Neroli
  • Patchouli
  • Ylang Ylang essential oil


  • Always consult your medical practitioner before using essential oils you are unsure of or if any side effects are experienced because of its use.
  • Do not use topically or diffused around children under the age of six unless very diluted.
  • Keep away from the eyes.
  • Keep out of reach of children.
  • Store in glass, in a cool dry place away from sunlight to preserve longer.
  • Do not use during pregnancy since it might cause uterine contractions resulting in miscarriage or preterm labor.
  • Do not ingest undiluted. Can be taken orally – 1 drop mixed with honey to emulsify properly, added to a jug of tea or lemon water.
  • Again, see our responsible usage guide here
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