Essential Oils 101 Kit
Our famous and well loved EO101 Kit is yours today! Just load it into your cart and experience essential oil basics in one box.
Read more below:
The Essential Oils 101 Kit is specially put together for our resellers and anyone that would like to have an overview of the OilGrow oils and quality. It comes in a lovely wooden box. The lid slides into the box keeping the content secure. This kit will help you to familiarize yourself with the oils included. It is easy to carry the darling little box and oils with you wherever you go. Let everyone that you see smell it and interact with the oils. But also for anyone that’s been wondering what the OilGrow Blends smell like. Never sure if you’ll like a smell – now’s your chance to experience all the blends and pick your favourite!
In this Essential Oil 101 Kit:
- Index cards to guide you through the kit
- 2ml of each of the OilGrow Blends
- 10ml roller bottles of each of the following carrier oils (9ml carrier oil to ensure space should you want to add essential oils to the bottle):
- 2ml of the following single oils:
- Clove Bud
- Cinnamon Bark
- Frankincense
- Lavender
- Lemon
- Peppermint
- Rosemary
- Tea Tree